Your Kids: Get more Quality Time this Summer!
For some families, summer can be the busiest time of year. Your kids may be out of school, but those three months can fly by. You realize that between sports, swimming, time with friends and everything else kids like to do with their free time, you barely spent any time with them on their break! This summer, plan some activities in and out of your home that everyone is going to enjoy to ensure that you get that quality time your family so needs.
Volunteer together as a family!
You can pick a local nature center, an animal shelter, or get a bunch of ideas together and vote on where you all would like to spend your time. You’ll be teaching your kids the importance of giving back and being selfless, all while spending so much time together – even if it’s just a few hours one day a week. There are tons of places around Franklin and Nashville that welcome volunteers. All it takes is a quick google search!
Build something together.
Does your backyard need a new swing set, maybe some updates to the deck, a new tree house, or something more simple like a birdhouse or some new landscaping? Everyone can get in on this. It’s great for kids to work with their hands and even better for them to feel a sense of accomplishment when they’re finished with a project. If you build something they can enjoy later (a birdhouse or bath, a little bridge to walk over in your landscaping, a picnic table), they’ll always remember the time they spent with you working on it and so will you!
Grow a garden.
Along with a similar vein, you could work on a garden of vegetables or flowers. This is another excellent way for kids to work with their hands outside in the sunshine and a unique way for you to teach them something. Knowing how to grow things is a beautiful feeling and something they’ll probably want to be able to do in adulthood. Every part of this activity is fun – from going to the store to pick out what they’re going to grow, to planting the seeds, and finally reaping the rewards!
There are tons of things you can do with your kids to get quality time this summer. From taking a biking trip to having a weekly movie night, the possibilities are endless, just don’t let the time slip away from you. They’ll be back in school before you know it!